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Things to Keep in Mind if You Want to Become a Surrogate

Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists


Are you interested in becoming a gestational surrogate? Keep these things in mind before you take the first steps towards the journey of a lifetime. The following factors may have an impact on your qualifications?and/or the timeline?of your surrogacy journey.

Recent Births

In our experience, we see many women who love being pregnant so much that they apply to become a surrogate soon after giving birth to their own child. However, clinic doctors require a woman to wait a minimum of 6 months after the birth before having an embryo transfer.

We love how excited and enthusiastic women are to become a surrogate right after giving birth, but we encourage you to hold on for a few months before beginning the process.


Many women like to breastfeed their children for as long they are comfortable doing so. However, it is important to keep in mind that a once a woman is done breastfeeding, she must have at least two menstrual cycles prior to the testing appointment.

We are more than happy to process a surrogate who is currently breastfeeding their own child, however, it is important that you keep this timeframe in mind.

Age & BMI

Fertility clinic doctors require a woman to have a certain body mass index (BMI) and fall within a specific age range in order to become a surrogate. (Your  BMI must be 33 or lower, and you must be between 21- to 40-years old.)

If your BMI isn't currently within the required range, there's good news! As a potential surrogate candidate, your BMI is one of the easiest things you can change. You can re-submit the prescreen application again in the future and we'll be happy to consider you as a potential surrogate.

Anti-Anxiety/Anti-Depressant Medication

While a history of anti-anxiety/anti-depressant medication does not automatically disqualify you as a surrogate, it is a requirement of fertility clinic doctors that all surrogates are off of any anti-anxiety/anti-depressant medication for a minimum of 6 months prior to their journey.

After the 6-month waiting period, you will be required to obtain a letter from your doctor stating the dosage of the medication, the reason for taking the medication, the amount of time you've been off of the medication, etc. Upon receiving the letter of medical clearance for anti-anxiety/anti-depressant medication, we will then continue processing you as a surrogate.

Still wondering if surrogacy is right for you? The best way to see if you qualify is by submitting this brief prescreen application to see if you meet the basic criteria. In the meantime, you can learn more about the surrogacy process via the link below.

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Interested in seeing if you qualify to become a gestational surrogate? Take this 2-minute quiz to see if you qualify!
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